Global Movement

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter is committed to advocating for women’s equality. Our centre works as an active force dedicated to challenge the social attitudes, laws and institutional procedures that perpetuate male violence against women and children.

#GIDYVR is an event series featuring Meghan Murphy.
We are @preta_6, @holly_hutt_1 and Meghan Murphy.
(And tons of incredible volunteers!)
We refuse to be no platformed.

A group of parents and professionals concerned about the medicalization of identity and erosion of sex-based rights in Canada.

We the Females
We The Females is a growing group of Canadian women from all walks of life who are deeply worried about the loss of female rights and the medicalization of children resulting from Bill C-16. This legislation puts children at risk and sacrifices the rights of females by allowing “self-identification” of gender, which gives any male the right to declare himself a woman and to access women’s protected spaces.